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A lovely old country pub a mile from Batemans Brewery

Free beer when you book directly

When you book a stay at The Woolpack on our website, we’ll treat you and your guest (if two of you are staying) to a Batemans beer – on the house.
There are a few terms and conditions:

  • You’ll need to book your bedroom directly through this website; bookings via third parties or by phone don’t qualify
  • If you have another booking within the same seven-day period, the offer applies on the first stay only
  • You, and your guest if two of you are staying, must be over 18 years of age
  • You can choose from one pint each – the beers on offer are Batemans Gold, XB and Triple XB (XXXB), subject to availability
  • If you don’t want cask beer, you can have a pint of house lager, a 175ml glass of house wine or a draught soft drink instead
  • This direct booking benefit can’t be exchanged and has no cash value
  • We would like to continue to reward direct website bookings, but reserve the right to remove this offer at any time
  • If we do discontinue the offer and you make a booking before it’s removed from the website, you can still get your free beer
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